Danny's Story
Danny Nguyen was born on June 19, 2021. While pregnant with Danny, he developed cardiomyopathy. Danny also has Down syndrome, a g-tube, colostomy bag and other medical issues. Danny has had 3 heart surgeries since being born. These surgeries involved putting in a pacemaker, repairing his heart valve and one where they patched a hole in his heart. Danny has been in and out of the hospital in Dallas since birth to treat his illness. The hospital is a 3 hour drive for us because we live in Texarkana. This has been taxing for the family financially. I had to quit my job to take care of Danny because he requires 24/7 supervision. Therefore my husband is the only one in the family bringing home any income. We also have a 12 year old son, Adam, that we have to ensure that he is in school and doesn’t miss days due to our situation. We are very thankful for the help that Casen’s Crew has given us.
Loan Le and Long Nguyen
Loan Le and Long Nguyen
We will never fully understand God's thinking, but that's the beauty of it. There is a beauty in the unknown. A beauty in knowing that God, who is all-knowing and endlessly loving, has the answers. A beauty in being able to fully trust Him. We may never understand why he took Casen from us but we will always trust his plan and his purpose for Casen’s life. Days like today help us to remember that. Because of our sweet Casen and everyone that supports Casen's Crew we had the honor of meeting another family referred to us by Children's Health. The Nguyen family is the absolute sweetest, most deserving family!! It was an honor meeting and getting to know them. Danny is a two year old little boy with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Down Syndrome. He has the sweetest, most fun personality. Thanks to all of the amazing support Casen’s Crew continues to receive, we were able to financially help this very deserving family today.